Top rated Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer
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March 31, 2023
Many people opt for a plea bargain when confronted with criminal charges to avoid a potentially lengthy and uncertain trial process.
However, a common misconception is that pleading guilty forfeits the right to appeal.
While this is frequently the case because of the terms of a plea agreement, it is not always the case.
The right to appeal is not automatically waived simply because a perso...
March 13, 2023
Consequences of writing bad checks Explained by John Helms Bad Check Defense Lawyer from Dallas. When someone writes a check for an amount that exceeds the balance in their bank account with the intent to deceive the recipient, it is a criminal offense.
This may appear harmless, but the consequences can be severe, particularly in Texas.
Many people may be perplexed as to how such a crime co...
March 13, 2023
Have you or a loved one been arrested on federal drug charges recently?
It can be frightening and perplexing for the accused and their families.
People are frequently shocked and perplexed as to why their loved one is being accused of something in which they had no involvement.
It's important to understand that even if a person isn't a full-time drug dealer, they can still face federal dru...
January 05, 2023
John Helms, a Dallas Crime Defense Attorney, answers the following question: My Spouse is not a drug dealer. He has a regular job. How can they charge him with this?
Many people are completely shocked when their spouse is arrested on federal drug charges. As far as they know, their spouse has a regular job that has nothing to do with drug dealing. They do not know anything about their spou...
December 29, 2022
John Helms, one of the best and leading white-collar criminal defense attorneys in Dallas, Texas, recently released a web resource to help people accused of fraud charges or white-collar crime.
According to Helms, fraud can only be established if there is an element of deception.
"Fraud cases, whether they are state fraud charges or federal mail, wire, or bank fraud charges, involve accusa...
December 13, 2022
White collar crime refers to non-violent crimes that are committed by individuals or businesses for financial gain. These crimes typically involve deception, fraud, or other unethical business practices and are often committed by professionals, such as business executives, politicians, or government officials. Examples of white-collar crime include embezzlement, insider trading, money launder...
November 21, 2022
My Spouse Is Not A Drug Dealer. He Has A Regular Job. How Can They Charge Him With This? Dallas Drug Crime Defense Attorney, John Helms Answers.
It is important to understand that when a person is arrested for possession with intent to distribute drugs or conspiracy to distribute drugs, this does not necessarily mean that the government thinks the person’s entire life is being a drug deale...
November 06, 2022
Rated Best Dallas Drug Defense Lawyer John Helms Helps Defend Texans Indicted On Controlled Substance Possession Drug Charges
Dallas State and Federal Drug Defense recently published a case study by criminal defense attorney John Helms that details:
Top Rated Best Dallas Drug Crime Defense Lawyer John Helms Offers New Case Study
Meth trafficking arrests
What Is Drug Possession?
What Is...
October 31, 2022
Dallas Drug Defense Lawyer Helps Defend Texans Indicted On Controlled Substance Possession Drug Charges
Learn some of the effective defense strategies employed by a drug arrest lawyer in Dallas to fight indictments brought against Texans to prepare their defenses when they are facing drug charges.
Meth trafficking arrests
The opioid crisis has fueled a push by the federal government and local p...
October 26, 2022
North Dallas Criminal Defense Attorney, John Helms State laws vary on whether and how employers can access an individual’s criminal record as part of the hiring process. In some states, employers are unable to receive these records at all. In other states, employers can consider an applicant’s criminal record in their hiring decisions.
Under Texas law, background check reports cannot contain...