Top rated Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer

Stories: News - Press Releases - Blogs
July 19

Dangers of Artificial Intelligence in Criminal Investigations/Trials New Blog by Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Goes Online

As AI becomes increasingly integrated into various sectors, its application in law enforcement and judicial processes raises significant ethical and procedural concerns. John Helms, leveraging his extensive experience as a former federal prosecutor and a leading criminal defense lawyer, provides a thorough analysis of the implications of AI on justice and fairness.  In this blog John Helms D...
Dangers of Artificial Intelligence in Criminal Investigations/Trials New Blog by Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer Goes Online
July 19


          On June 20, 2024, the United States Supreme Court held that federal prosecutors in drug cases can present expert witness testimony about whether most drug couriers are aware that they are transporting illegal drugs.  The case is Diaz v. United States, No. 23-14, slip op. (U.S. June 20, 2024).  Justice Gorsuch called the permitted expert testimony “a powerful new tool in [the governmen...
July 18

The Dangers of Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) in Criminal Investigations and Trials.

The use of AI by law enforcement in criminal investigations is becoming more and more common.  In particular, police around the country are increasingly using facial recognition technology supported by AI to identify criminal suspects.  AI can be a very useful tool for criminal investigations, but it also involves significant risks of misidentification and wrongful arrest.   This article will e...
July 01

Money Laundering Defense: Understanding Cryptocurrency Trading and Legal Consideration

Understanding Cryptocurrency Trading and Legal Considerations: Insights from John Helms, Dallas Money Laundering Defense Lawyer In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, understanding the legal implications of trading and transactions is crucial. With the rise of crypto futures contracts, many traders have found profitable opportunities. However, questions often arise about the legality of ...
May 27

Dallas Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer Updates Texans on Texas Domestic Violence Defense

John Helms, an esteemed criminal defense attorney, is proud to announce an updated resource in Texas Domestic Violence Defense. With over 20 years of experience, John Helms brings unparalleled expertise to clients facing domestic violence charges, ensuring robust defense strategies tailored to the unique complexities of each case. Domestic violence accusations can have severe repercussions, ...
May 12

Dallas-Fort Worth Criminal Forfeiture Lawyer Explains Federal Forfeiture Defense

Dallas-Fort Worth Criminal Forfeiture Lawyer John Helms has updated new resources on federal forfeiture defense on his website. These resources explain how federal criminal forfeiture laws enable law enforcement to seize assets like cars, jewelry, real estate, and bank accounts linked to illegal activities, including drug trafficking and money laundering. Helms emphasizes that forfeiture is ...
Dallas-Fort Worth Criminal Forfeiture Lawyer Explains Federal Forfeiture Defense
March 13

Dallas Federal Drug Defense Attorney Answers:Can Someone Be Responsible For More Drugs Than What They Are "Caught With"?

Dallas Federal Criminal Defense Attorney Answers: Can Someone Be Responsible For More Drugs Than What They Are "Caught With"? In a recently published resource, Dallas Federal Criminal Defense Attorney John Helms explains if dependants may still be held liable for more drugs than they were personally caught with. According to attorney Helms, the answer is Yes, as this generally happens in f...
Dallas Federal Drug Defense Attorney Answers:Can Someone Be Responsible For More Drugs Than What They Are "Caught With"?
February 11


        In federal drug cases, the most important factors that affect a defendant’s likely sentence are the type of drug and the quantity of the drug for which the defendant is considered responsible.  As a federal criminal defense lawyer in the Northern District of Texas (Dallas and Fort Worth), and the Eastern District of Texas (Plano and Sherman), I get lots of questions from clients and the...
January 11

Renowned Dallas Federal Criminal Defense Attorney John Helms Sheds Light on Drug Quantity Determination in Federal Cases

In a compelling new blog post, John Helms, a Dallas-based criminal defense attorney with extensive experience in federal law, addresses the often-misunderstood process of drug quantity determination in federal drug cases. His insights reveal the intricacies and significant repercussions this determination has on sentencing outcomes. The blog, titled "Federal Drug Cases: Determining a Defendan...
Renowned Dallas Federal Criminal Defense Attorney John Helms Sheds Light on Drug Quantity Determination in Federal Cases
December 29, 2023

Dallas federal criminal defense attorney John Helms Explains When Can A Federal Criminal Defendant Appeal a Ruling Before The Case is Over?

Recently, former President Donald Trump has appealed pretrial rulings denying him immunity from criminal prosecution and denying his claim of double jeopardy based on his impeachment proceeding. See United States v. Trump, No. 23-3228, in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (2023). Because I am a federal criminal defense lawyer, some of my lawyer friends,...
Dallas federal criminal defense attorney John Helms Explains When Can A Federal Criminal Defendant Appeal a Ruling Before The Case is Over?